Thursday, August 25, 2016

7 Natural Foods Menstrual Pain Relief

Most women experience pain or pain in the abdomen during menstruation. There is strong and able to resume their activities, but some could not help because of stomach knotted.

The reason, many women who eventually fainted or cried trying to keep the pain at once pain is so dominant.

Already many drugs are sold freely to help women deal with the pain of menstruation. However, turning to drugs is actually not something that is recommended to be done in the long term.

As published on page Huffington Post website Tuesday (08/09/2016), there are some foods that can help women endure pain during menstruation naturally. What are these foods?

- Dill. Can be combined in your salad dish.

- Sesame seeds. Just like dill, to be entered in your salad.

- Leaf parsley. To be entered in the tea as warmers abdomen.

- Vegetable celery. Can be eaten directly.

- Salmon. Can be served in accordance impulsive.

- Dark chocolate or dark chocolate. Being able to help relax the muscles tense.

- Seeds sacha inches. Rich in omega-3.

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