Monday, August 22, 2016

Frequent Orgasms Make Easy Pregnant Women?

Mystery finally solved orgasm in women. Why are women so difficult to reach orgasm than men.

In a recent study conducted by Yale University and Cincinnati Childern Hospital, orgasm in women plays an important role in human reproduction. That is, an orgasm is the keytrigger an increase ovulation in women.

Researchers studied the hormones that come out during sex and found the samehormone that plays an important role in other mammalian ovulation. It made theresearchers believe, is something called an orgasm has a function in the past, namely to help trigger ovulation.

Launch Science Daily, during orgasm, a woman's body releases the hormone prolactinand oxytocin in the brain. In mammals, this hormone triggers ovulation. Research published in the journal Jez-Molecular Evolution and Development explains, without these two hormones of pregnancy will be difficult.

In addition, when a woman orgasm contractions in the uterus helps sperm travel to the uterus. This means, the egg or ovum waiting for fertilization. When this is the conceptioneasier so that chances of conceiving even higher.

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