Thursday, August 25, 2016

Control Your Appetite With Relaxation

Relaxation is often interpreted degan relax, such as watching TV, reading books, tourist attractions, and hobbies. However justify such relaxation is meant?

Relaxation is an important component in the self-control, because one can not be in a relaxed state and out of control at the same time.

"Relaxation is a technique that can be used by anyone, aimed at eliminating various forms of mind chaotic due to the helplessness of a person in control of its ego, makes it one controls him, and give health to the body," says psychologist Anindita Citra, S. Psi, M. Psi Lighthouse of the clinic, during the event "Meet the Expert" on SCTV Tower.

The basic method of relaxation is a process against autonomic effects that accompany anxiety and tension, so it would be counter conditioning, changing behavior is not expected to be the expected behavior using positive associations to the stimulus.

Unexpected behavior, for example, when you are faced with a diet and favorite food whether it's chocolate, ice cream, meatballs, pizza or other food. In a short time the appetite turns into a passionate, so you eat more than they should.

But in doing relaxation before eating, will make yourself more calm and make you eat in moderation due to the influence of positive associations to the stimulus. Here is the procedure breathing relaxation techniques:

1. Create an environment that is quiet and comfortable

2. Try to stay relaxed and calm

3. Breathe in through your nose and lungs fill with count one, two, three.

4. Air Breathe slowly through the nose while feeling of tranquility

5. Keep hands and feet to relax (open and dilemaskan)

6. Try to keep the concentration to one point or focus her eyes closed

7. At the time of concentration, focus on the body that feels tense or uncomfortable

8. Repeat the process drag and exhaling until the tension had disappeared or diminished

9. There is no rigid time limits, but at least it did for approximately 15 minutes

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