Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Primitive, Small Penis Considered More Frightening

New York- The size of the penis is often considered ideal by men. But if you view the history, there are periods when small penis size is more beautiful than the big.

In the Ancient Greek era, apparently a small penis was considered elegant. In these periods, the cultural values ​​of the beauty of the male body is different from the present. One reason historian, Kenneth Dover Greek homosexuality in the book mentioned, a large penis associated with specific characteristics such as ignorance, lust, and evil as quoted How to talk about art history, Monday (08/22/2016).

Then in the days Renainsans, small penis is considered beautiful. This is evident from the various sculptures by Michelangelo titled David showing penis size statue of him in a small size.

Perception small penis was beautiful it changes over time. Until now people assume that a large penis is more beautiful. But unfortunately, it is difficult to determine what caused the shift, penis bigger is better as quoted by the website Ask Men, Monday (22/08/2016).

In the study of biological researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, Shannon Leung average women prefer penis with a length of 16 cm as a normal penis size.

But of course, the opinion of women in the United States is different from Indonesia.

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