Monday, August 22, 2016

Couple's Life with Gorilla Over 18 Years

Lyon- Most families choose cats, rabbits, fish, turtles as animals that accompany home.But not with the couple from France, Pierre and Eliane Thivillon who has lived with a gorillanamed Digit over the last 18 years.

Pierre and Eliane said, they have adopted as a baby gorilla. At that time, the couple did not have children find weight Digits only about two kilograms.

By this pair, Digit brought to the house and take care of him. They are very fond of Digitslike a baby himself. Even in the early years, Digit can not be left. Not because he isdangerous, but when left to grieve Digit Like Pierre and Eliane.

"We could not leave Digit overnight with others, this means we can not go out of the housefor 13 years," said Pierre, as quoted page of the Daily Mail, Monday (08/22/2016).

Now, the size of the child's favorite gorilla is already very large. However Digit never be rude. Pierre tells how a female gorilla was so spoiled.

"At the age of juvenile Digit weighing 82 kilograms, she did not want to separate from us.So he kept sleeping one bed with us who live in the hills in Lyon," he said.

Thivillions family did have a private zoo near the house. This zoo contains animalsrescued from zoos that are not maintained as well as circus animals.

It is home to over a thousand other animals. Such as monkeys, gibbons, tigers, lions, andthree other gorillas. However, compared to the three other gorilla, Digit is a good kid.

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