Sunday, August 21, 2016

Fun School in Finland, Stress-Free Kids

Because the advice of professor of education at Harvard, Howard Gardner, an Americanscholar, William Doyle send their children aged seven years in elementary schoolJoensuu, Finland. He finally realized, effective education it was fun.

Doyle who is a lecturer at the University of Eastern Finland, said his experience as a lecturer in Finland is very impressive. There, the school system is very casual but childrencan achieve the highest score in the Western world.

"In Finland, children do not receive formal academic training until the age of seven. Until then, many children learn through song, play, and have a conversation, "he said, as quoted by Smh, Saturday (20/08/2016) ..

Doyle also said that the majority of children walking or cycling to school, from which he is still small to large. School hours in Finland was short and PR were given the generally mild. More admirable again, where the students have the time required 15 minutes to rest and play outdoors in every hour, every day.

Fresh air, natural atmosphere, and regular physical activity is what is considered the local authorities as part of learning.

"One night, I asked my son what to do that day. He said teachers at his school sent them into the woods with a map and compass. They asked her students to find a way out. That's it, "he said.

Finnish is not the type to waste time or money. But in doing so, children can learn through direct observation, or a quiz in a fun way.

"In class, children are allowed to play, laugh and daydream all day."According to Doyle, Finland has a "mantra" a culture containing "let kids be kids, the work of children is play, and children learn best through play."

"Even one of the Chinese students who study in Finland, told me that in Chinese schools, making it feel like being in the military. But in this country, making it feel part of a family that is very good, "he said.

In Finland, teachers are professionals who admired than a doctor. Perhaps because the educational background of the doctor must hold master degrees or professional education and research.In education, the state of Finland do:

1. The State provides quality national public scale, highly respected, and highly professional for teachers.

2. The class sizes manageable.

3. The curriculum is rich and can be developed.

4. Physical activity routine.

5. Exam light has been standardized in order to avoid stress and wasted time.

6. Assessment every day by teachers.

7. The class atmosphere that is safe, collaboration, and warm.

8. Respect and appreciate each child individually.

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