Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Successful Diet, Kim Kardashian Bikini Dare Again

London - Reality show star Kim Kardashian (35) began to re confident with her body. After giving birth eight months ago, Kim's body is now back beautifully. He successfully lose weight to 31 kg so dare to wear bikini.

Kim wore a beige bikini while accompanying their children North West (3) and Saint West (8 months) on a beach Punta Mita, Mexico. The bandage bikini sex organs Kim, exposing the arms, abdomen and thighs Kanye West's wife who looked lean and toned.

Not long ago, Kim said the target to lose weight just lacking a little longer. Target Kim, her weight managed to be 54.4 kg as quoted page of the Daily Mail, Friday (19/08/2016).

"My weight up to 27 kg during pregnancy the second, but after the first pregnancy I gained10 kg of normal. So it's time to set goals," Kim cuit in Twitter in 2016 Januri about a month after giving birth Saint.

To achieve the target of reducing weight, Kim lived a strict diet and exercise routine. He applied the Atkins diet, a diet that emphasizes the consumption of low-carbohydrate but high in protein. Not to forget he is exercising assisted renowned personal trainer.

Then, last week Kim Kardashian undergoing laser skin tightening treatment in cosmeticdermatology doctor Simon Ourian. No wonder not if the skin Kim still tight after giving birth?

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