Thursday, August 25, 2016

Fruit That Makes The Men More Powerful in Bed

Watermelon is not only quench your thirst on a hot day but can help you stay healthy. Research shows watermelon has many health benefits, especially for adam. Packed with vitamins and minerals, watermelons have some positive effect on male sexual quality.

Watermelon is a good source of potassium, vitamin C and A, and contains a high concentration of beta-carotene. Leather watermelon contains citrulline according LIVESTRONG phyto even has health benefits such as improving blood flow throughout the body. 

The inside of the watermelon consists of about 92 percent water. The remaining 8 percent has the highest concentration of lycopene found in fresh fruit or vegetables.

One of the benefits of watermelon for men is relax blood vessels, such as the content of the drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction. If swallowed, citrulline increases levels of nitric oxide or nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels to improve blood flow throughout the body. 

While the cause of erectile dysfunction can involve a variety of psychological and physiological problems, increased blood flow can help in cases of mild levels.

In 2008, a team of researchers at Texas A & M find ingredients in watermelon effect Viagra may even increase libido. The content of arginine increases nitric oxide, which stretch the blood vessels, the same basic effect that Viagra is given by, according to Science Daily.

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