Monday, August 22, 2016

Faster Internet Affects Men's Wet Dream

Internet indirectly influence the sexual behavior of teenagers in Indonesia. Free sex atschool age, fell in love with the same sex, and other sexually deviant behavior can also occur because teens misinterpret the information he got from the internet. In fact, the source of information on issues of sex should they get from their parents.

"We can not just blame the advancement of information as the number of sexual behaviorin adolescents. All can be solved if parents are willing to provide sex education and reproductive well," said Dr. Boyke quoted on Monday (8/22/2016).

According Boyke, ancient people just experienced a wet dream at the age of 14 yearsdue to gain knowledge about the sexual course should steal from the stencilled or leaks from adult magazines. While teens are now enough with internet access alone.

"Anything you want to know the teens can be found on Google. This is what ultimatelychange the mindset of our teenagers. So wet dreams occur at the age of 12," said DrBoyke added.

The influence of the internet as well, further Boyke, which ultimately stimulates hormonesbecome young men and women mature faster than they should. "In sampaing it is alsobecause of the influence of nutrition. The food is now more nutrition so that their bodies are big and fast growing," said Boyke.

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